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Friday, September 3, 2010

Are CEOs of Private Sector Companies as Precious as They Are Made Out to be?

(Read the inside stories of the corporate sector in the form of short management case studies at: or or To procure the printed bound book containing these sensitive stories, write to:

CEOs of Private Sector Companies Alone Don't Achieve; So There Is No Need to Pay Them Obnoxiously and Obscenely High Salaries

It is beyond comprehension why CEOs of private sector companies should draw terribly and vulgarly high salaries not only as compared to other employees of these organizations at different levels but also as compared to the very next level of executives who also take up lots of responsibilities and contribute towards the success of that organization.

Many organizations in public or government sectors and NGOs do pretty decently despite the fact that the chairmen and CEOs of public sector profit making huge conglomerates, CEOs of the states, judges, governmental bureaucrats etc get paid just about marginally more than the other senior employees or even the other employees. Then, what is so great about the CEOs of private sector organizations?

And it is not that after paying astronomically high salaries, all the CEOs run their companies effectively or ethically. Many of them still remain as corrupt and greedy as they could be despite getting large sums of legitimate money.

It is high time that the shareholders of the private sector companies should wake up and start exercising more control over the board of directors of their companies in order to regulate the emoluments of the CEO they appoint.

Read our new blog feature: Do This Today

Monday, March 29, 2010

Who Are responsible for These Deaths?

Remove the Security Cover of All the Politicians

Today 35 innocent people got killed in blasts at two Moscow metro stations.

This is not the first and the singular mishap. It looks like as if it is becoming a norm.

Who are responsible for such deaths?

The obvious answer will be: apparently those who planned and executed the blasts.

But on deeper thinking, you will come to the conclusion that the primary responsibility squarely falls on those people who hold now and held in the past, material political positions in numerous nations from time to time and who, by their dim witted thinking and actions, motivated by their greed and selfishness, created and spread disgruntlement and hurt in a large majority of human beings.

These people holding material power positions never get killed in such blasts because they are cozily protected by the machinery and the security which are heavily financed by the tax payers many of whom though fall victim to these blasts since they are not protected the same way.

Remove this cozy protection machinery and security given to these political people and then let us see how many people volunteer to become the so called leaders of the masses. Good people those who are non-corrupt and so, fearless may still opt for it.

And then the same political people will start behaving with greater responsibilities and will think, communicate, negotiate and act more prudently.The blast and killings might reduce significantly.

Originally posted at (Running Commentary on the Run)

Read the “inside” stories of the corporate world at: (Management Anecdotes)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Children Acting in Movies or Working in Reality Shows: Is That Not Child Labor?

Ban All Kinds of Child Labor

It's true that human beings are the worst irrational animals. Some things look black to human beings but some other things that are also equally black do not appear to be black to the same people. Ironically, those things are perceived as white and bright and people tend to glamorize them. And then, they cash on it.

Children working in unorganized sectors, like picking up the rags on the streets or engaged in begging etc for some business goons are pitied upon by the society and governments etc.

Children working in various kinds of offices and factories in the organized sector including the corporate sector are also pitied upon by the society and governments.

People talk a lots on these kinds of child labor and advocate to ban them. That's good. Do it.

But what about a large number of children who are engaged by the movie world and the reality shows on television and working for them? Is that not child labor? Perhaps, it is as bad as the ones cited earlier. These child engagements hammer and impact the cerebral aspects of the growing kids on the wrong side and that is highly damaging.

So ban the children acting in the movies and working for the reality shows on television or some similar engagement of children that should be termed as child labor. Ban them all. Do it now.

Read the “inside” stories of the corporate world at: (Management Anecdotes)