Various theories have been put forth for success. The scholars and researchers make their own hypotheses and scoop out the data and information to prove their points fairly convincingly though the inferences and conclusions may or may not be statistically valid or scientific. However they do guide the people who read them provided the people being guided by them do not use them as gospel truths and use them just as some good indicators.
Unconventional, Avant-garde and Contemporary
Copyright © with the author Shyam Bhatawdekar (well-known author and scholar, eminent management guru and consultant, successful business executive and entrepreneur, authentic human behavior expert and psychologist)

Monday, May 27, 2013
Theories of Success: Success in Life
Various theories have been put forth for success. The scholars and researchers make their own hypotheses and scoop out the data and information to prove their points fairly convincingly though the inferences and conclusions may or may not be statistically valid or scientific. However they do guide the people who read them provided the people being guided by them do not use them as gospel truths and use them just as some good indicators.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Political Management: Government Deficit
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Life Management: Approval Addiction
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Screwed up Global Economy
The boost in economy in any country or at the global level definitely gives rise to employment and in turn to the well being of the human beings on this planet earth. That's the whole essence.
The economic growth follows a positive or negative spiral pattern. But since 2008 onwards the positive spiral pattern has almost ended and it has taken a reversal to the negative spiral pattern.
In economy one thing leads to the other but fueling this interdependency in a fundamentally wrong manner screws up the whole positive growth process.
The present model of boosting the economy is largely based on more consumption, more sales, higher prices, more profit margins per sale and overall very high profits to the producer and the seller. The seller gets motivated to sell still more at still higher prices and makes still more higher overall profits. In doing so, he does expand his business and gives employment to many more people.
People (the consumers of goods and services), either from their savings or by taking loans in a reckless manner start buying things even at the higher prices even on those items of consumption that are really not required or needed by him. Also they start buying even the really needed items in disproportionately large quantities or large sizes. A stage soon arrives when their savings get depleted and they are not in a position to repay the loans- the interest burden itself kills them, forget about repaying the principal amount.
The loan sharks (the banks and other financial joints) go on distributing the loans in this mad racket of artificial economic boom to make more and more money out of their greed and lose track of the soundness of the repayment capacities of people and the companies whom they have advanced the loans. They also boost their business by resorting to many unethical and business-wise unsound practices.
One fine morning, the consumers find no money in their coffers for repayment of loans. The banks and other financial outfits are not in a position to realize the money loaned out. The consumption falls down, sales fall down, prices can't be held at artificially inflated levels for a long period, profit per sale drops and total overall profits of the producers and sellers start diminishing at a fast rate. They stop their expansions and growth. They go on a cost cutting drive. The only thing they know under such conditions is to downsize and retrench their employees. Thus many more people who are the actual consumers of the goods and services stop earning the money because of this kind of increased unemployment. They stop buying. The economic activity comes to a grinding halt.
Many producing and selling companies go bankrupt or wind up their shops, others start limping. None of them are in any sound position to repay the loans borrowed by them from the banks and financial institutions. The banks and financial institutions are not able to recover these loans either from such companies or from the individuals whom they had advanced the loans. The banks and financial outfits too declare their sickness and bankruptcy.
The recession goes on and on because even after getting the bail-out money from the governments (actually from the people of the country- because they have been paying enormous taxes), the banks, financial joints and the producing and selling companies keep chasing the same fundamentally defective economic model of consumption, inflation, loan, higher sales volume, higher profit margin per sales and higher overall profit.
This model will always ultimately lead to perennial economic downtrend cyclically.
Also in this consumption oriented model we are depleting the environmental resources of this planet at a very aggressive rate. That is horribly dangerous to any kind of sustainability we are talking about so much these days.
Proposed Fundamentally Prudent Economy Model
To attain a continuous positive spiral of economic growth, for ever increasing prosperity of all the stake holders and for a prolonged sustainability of the environment of earth, the following model of economy needs to be adopted:
1. Consumption should be real- it need not be artificially inflated. Consume what is really needed. It will help not to waste the planet's resources recklessly.
2. Profit per unit sale should be increased not by increasing the prices (by inflation) but by keeping the prices lower and lower and by reducing the costs of production and sale by adopting creativity and innovations, eliminating wastage of all kinds, reduction of overall costs and improved productivity every where.
3. Overall profits should be an outcome of the above-mentioned two points and not an outcome of wrong and corrupt practices often followed by the corporations and financial bodies.
4. Downsizing and retrenchment in effect cut out on the buying capacities of the people and it is detrimental to economic activities and economic growth. Rather than resorting to increasing the unemployment, adopt all those policies and practices that will boost the employment potential and increase the number of employed people.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Has the Country Done the Root Cause Analysis of "Why Corruption"?
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The current case in point is the "Lokpal" (legislation to fight corruption) exercise undertaken in India. Entire self proclaiming intelligent crowd of India from all the conceivable segments of the society is busy with it. "Lokpal" is being seen as the major medicine to cure the worst disease of humanity i.e. "corruption".
Now the problem is nobody can give any guarantee that passing this legislation (and its expensive implementation, if it is done the way it should be done) will eradicate or even contain corruption. And it is true because who has ever done any serious and deeper diagnostic studies to honestly understand and accept the real causes of corruption?
There is a dire need to first carry out detailed studies (using the scientific models) to pin down the reasons for the widespread corruption in the country in each and every public and private organizations (most of all, including the government, the political parties and the politicians). The root cause analysis is very vital.
The root cause analysis will spill out the real reasons of corruption. Then the real problems will be understood correctly. It will be a worthwhile investment to go deeper into the cases of frauds, scams and corruption that have taken place. Such case studies will be very useful if they are undertaken fearlessly and truthfully.
Therefore, the self proclaiming intelligent crowd of the country should get busy with this all important exercise immediately. Based on the outcome of such studies most appropriate, correct and effective solutions can be designed and implemented. With the right kind of such preventive and curative medicines, the disease "corruption" can be contained and eradicated. Without such an approach, its only a blind shot in the dark.
You can get our high quality books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar online from Nuubuu and Amazon.
Monday, December 12, 2011
In Democracy Who Is the Ultimate Decision Maker: Citizens of the Country or Their Elected Representatives?
For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:
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In Democracy Citizens of the Country Are the Ultimate Decision Makers and Not Their Elected Representatives Whom They Return to the Parliament of the Country
Democracy is the form of government in which all citizens of a country have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. So, ideally, this includes equal and direct participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law. By this process they choose the social, economic and cultural conditions within which all of them will function and live.
A convenient and practical model to achieve this kind of government of people, for people and by people of a country is to elect peoples' representatives through open, free and fair election process. The most important part of this kind of election is to elect only the competent people and reject the incompetent people.
And then send such elected representatives to the parliament to run the country's business on their behalf and under their constant supervision and vigilance.
However the fallacy is that no country in the world can claim that it has the flawless and ideal electoral system. Almost all the prevailing systems in every country in the world have serious faults. Therefore, invariably the elections are not open, fair and free and the persons who get elected through this system are not necessarily competent enough to run the country.
And if the citizens of the country give full and final autonomy to such a body of their elected representatives to decide on the matters that affect the country and its people, they can never be sure of decisions and laws that are always beneficial to the country and its people. If they do not give their guidance, suggestions and recommendations, from time to time, to this body of people and turn a blind eye on them, this body may dish out incompetent and harmful decisions and laws. So the citizens have to be careful all the time.
Before taking final decisions on any important matters of the country and turning them into the laws, all such matters must be debated in the house(s) of parliament by the elected representatives (those in the government and also those in opposition). Then those matters should be placed in the form of a draft by this body of the elected people (the members of the parliament) in front of the people of the country for their consensus and approval. They should have made the draft in consultation with the people so that the draft is a good draft needing minimum revisions. The draft should be fully examined by the people for its overall quality. The citizens should give their additional comments, suggestions and recommendations to improve upon the draft if necessary. Only after a consensus is developed among the people of the country, the draft should be taken up by the members of the parliament to give it the shape of a law.
The essence of the above-mentioned discussion is that the people of the country should play a proactive role and they should remain in the picture well before the matters of importance are decided in the parliament by their elected representatives. Delegating the matters fully to the elected people will never be a good idea and at times it may be disastrous because the elected representatives may not necessarily be the competent people.
Our Books Publications (Books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar)
You can get our high quality books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar online from Nuubuu and Amazon.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Why Should the Members of Parliament of Any Country be Paid if They Don't Work?
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Friday, November 25, 2011
Will You Like to be Happy or Right?
For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:
Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:
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- Pronounce each and every word of each and every language correctly.
- Being dressed prim and proper every minute and every hour of all the days of an year.
- Never squeeze the tooth paste tube or shaving cream tube or moisturizer tube or for that matter any such other tube in its middle.
- Following each and every dining table manner and telephone etiquette and every other social etiquette to the letter as described in numerous etiquette and manners manuals authored by all kinds of self proclaiming experts.
- Never leave the clothes on the beds of the bedrooms or on the floors of bathrooms even for a second.
- Make sure that toilet seat is always covered without fail and flush at least twice after having done the thing in the toilet.
- Always eat the perfectly nutritious food in every meal everywhere. Never ever exceed the calorie and other specifications set out by the numerous nutrition experts.
- Always sleep on the right side of the bed and let the spouse sleep always on the left side of the bed.
- Sticking to punctuality in each and every situation.
- Loading the washing machine or dish washer in the right way- as thought out as right by self.
- All the time trying to set out goals of all kinds and trying to meet those goals and getting upset when not meeting them.
- Pushing the son(s)/daughter(s) to become champions in many things right around their age of 5 or 6 and feeling upset when they fail to meet such expectations.
- Presenting self, spouse and children as the most mannerly creatures of the earth.
- Never miss the deadlines in professional or any other type of jobs.
Our Books Publications (Books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar)
You can get our high quality books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar online from Nuubuu and Amazon.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Why Should Only 1% of the World's People Should Have All the 99% World's Wealth (Blatant Social Injustice)?
(Refer for the most authentic articles on Building Leadership and Management:
(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:
(Read our blog feature: Do This Today at
All People Together Create Wealth for the Organizations (and Nations) and They Should be Given a Just and Proportionate Share of the Created Wealth
Vilfredo Pareto was a 19th century economist who observed in 1906 that 80% of Italy's land and wealth was owned by 20% of the population (refer or
Over past 100 years, the situation has worsened. It may not be an exaggeration to say (figuratively) that presently just about only 1% of the people have grabbed around all of 99% of the world's wealth. And definitely not necessarily by ethical practices or by honest hard work.
Utter economic inequality and blatant social injustice, isn't it? Yes, it is.
In every organization (whatsoever nature of organization it may be), many people work. Together they create wealth for that organization (and nation). But the distribution of that wealth is quite lopsided. The lion's share is grabbed (by hook or crook) by extremely small number of people who are at the helm of that organization (including the nation). They do it by drawing disproportionately and extraordinarily high salaries, perquisites and profit-share. Obscenely and vulgarly high indeed (at times 1000 times or 10,000 times or so more than the lowly paid other people of the same organization)! The balance minuscule amount of wealth is thrown at the rest of the people (as if obliging them, as if they are slaves or beggars).
Does it mean that those few people at the top single-handedly contribute 1000 times or 10,000 more towards creation of wealth of that organization? Remove the rest of the people and see if these few people (at the top) can create the same wealth that the organization (and nation) is currently creating. It's inconceivable and practically impossible. You need other people (other than those top few) to create wealth.
It only goes to show that other people too contribute hell of a lot in creating the wealth for that organization. Their contribution is as significant as the contribution of the top few.
Then it does not make sense in having such a big yawning gap between the emoluments of the CEOs and few other people of these organizations and the rest of the people of the same organizations.
Therefore, the highest emolument paid to any person in an organization should not be more than say, ten times that of the lowest emolument in any organization.That's all.
Just because an organization is providing the employment does not mean that the top few of that organization can get away by exploiting hundreds and thousands of people who give their brain, mind, talents, skills and sweat to these organizations.
Some serious thinking and movement are necessary to kill this kind of day-light exploitation of people.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Shouldn't Some Minimum Formal Education Level be Prescribed for Becoming CEO of a Country?
(Refer for the most authentic articles on Building Leadership and Management:
(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:
(Read our blog feature: Do This Today at
If You Need a Clerk in an Office to be a High School Pass, then a Prime Minister or President of a Country Should at least be a College Graduate in Some Professional Discipline if Not a PhD or a Postgraduate
It is interesting and funny to note that while for every job from a sweeper to the highest level of professional in any private or government organization, minimum formal educational qualifications are a must, no such minimum formal educational qualification are prescribed for becoming a member of parliament or minister or prime minister and president of a country.
A manager who manages a small office is expected to be an MBA but you can become member of parliament or minister or prime minister and president of a country responsible for managing the larger affairs of a country without going to even a primary school.
Shouldn't the people of the country start insisting that their representatives in the parliament should be formally highly educated in some related professional discipline or otherwise they wouldn't vote for them?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Is Anyone Talking and Doing Something about Innovation, Productivity and Cost Reduction?
- The producers must use their creativity and innovations more and more in creating goods and services that are increasingly useful to the public and can be produced at significantly lower costs. Since continual improvement is a mandatory clause in all the ISO 9001 certified companies, the ISO 9001 auditors should strictly audit this aspect of creativity and innovation of the products and the cost of their production and selling, in quantitative terms and not merely in qualitative terms.
- The producers must employ the best possible ways to improve the productivity in their organizations. The improvement in productivity should be audited by the auditors in a very strict manner in quantitative terms.
- The organizations should put their best efforts in bringing down the overall costs of production and selling. The cost auditors should keep a tab on the cost reduction brought about by the companies.
- There should be an upper limit prescribed for making profits. For example, companies can be allowed to make only up to a maximum of 30% profit on their individual products and services. This also should be strictly audited and defaulters should be taken to task.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Why Those Horrible “No Reply” Emails?
(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:
(Read our blog feature: Do This Today at
Here is a small little story about a person who bought a sophisticated automatic hammer. And then you found him busy fixing the nails all over on the walls of his house.
When the entire walls of all the rooms started getting the nails fixed into them, someone asked him, “Hey, why so many nails in every wall all over?”
He replied pretty seriously, “I have bought this new automatic hammer and it automatically does the work of hammering the nails into the walls so very easily. I could never do such a thing with my old manual hammer. And so now, I am making full use of this wonderful tool.”
That exactly explains why we keep receiving those tons of horrible “no reply” emails from all kinds of our business associates, service providers and everyone else. An irritating abuse of the technological toy they have now!!
Those emails are like, “We have spoken to you, now you shut up, we did our job.” You have a reason to feel insulted.
Most “no reply” emails leave you with mixed feelings of very partial satisfaction but more anger, frustration, insult and helplessness.
If these “no reply” emails arouse some questions, some doubts, some queries in your mind (which is what happens most of the times with such “no reply” emails), you have no way of getting them clarified.
Some “no reply” emails are seen to insert a link in them. This kind of “no reply” email suggests that you can go to that link and get your problems and queries voiced. However, invariably, such links take you through a very circuitous and horrendous route and land you on some useless space on the vast Internet. Invariably you never meet up with the person who was the brain behind programming that “no reply” email. So, then after trying for a while you give up.
If you are left with a choice, you will definitely like to dump such business associates, service providers and others who shoot out such “no reply” emails.
Then what was the sense in that “no reply” communication? It only indicates a sheer sense of irresponsibility and non-accountability on the part of the sender of such a “no reply” email.
Shun the “no reply” email and get on with the “two way” communication with every piece of communication and email.
Our Books Publications
You can get our high quality books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar online from Nuubuu and Amazon.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Are Hierarchies and Titles Necessary?
Hierarchies and Titles Create Bosses, Leaders, Superiors, Dictators, Red Tape, Boundaries and Who Needs Them; We Don't
In my previous post, I hinted that the distant future will see leaderless, boss less or dictator less societies. Human beings will be "human beings" in homes and in social arena. And in the professional domains (in offices, factories, government departments, hospitals, departmental stores etc) these human beings will be "professionals". Period.
The hierarchies, class divides and titles will not exist- they will become redundant and obsolete.
It is true to some extent even today. A doctor is a doctor today; a surgeon is a surgeon; that's it. An author is an author, a carpenter is a carpenter, a plumber is a plumber, a tennis player is a tennis player, a movie actor is a movie actor. And all of them are treated as such if they have the desired expertise and more over, if they are good at their craft, they are more in demand and they can command a high price for the services and expertise they offer. Other professionals are still called by their "professional identity" though they may be less in demand and also earn less. In either case, they do not need titles or prefixes or suffixes like junior, assistant, middle, senior, top, additional, joint and what other funny things you can think of.
As soon as you use these kinds of titles with the "profession" of a person, you start putting him in a class oriented society, you start creating hierarchies, you create superiors and inferiors, boss and subordinate, leaders and led and simultaneously you start promoting duplication of work, unnecessary red tape and sluggishness in communication etc. What for?
When you hire the services of any independent contractor whether he is tutor of math to your child, a baby sitter, a plumber, a tailor of your suit etc, you do not turn into his boss or his leader just because you have hired his professional services and the hired professional does not become a subordinate nor does he need your intelligence or advice. He finishes his work, gets paid by you and walks off still with the same "professional identity" with which he did the work you assigned him.
A similar treatment needs to meted out to every professional who joins as a permanent or temporary professional in any organized joint whether that is a factory, an office, a corporation, a government department, hospital or a departmental store.
The hierarchies and titles should be done away with and every professional should be treated on par with any other professional. There is no need to put them on the various rungs of a ladder; all are professionals after all. They get employed if they are good, get paid as per their expertise and as per the supply and demand ratio of that particular professional expertise.
An engineer remains engineer, doctor remains a doctor, actor remains an actor, soccer player remains a soccer player throughout his life unless he acquires some other professional identity by acquiring a new expertise. Where is the need to take him through a plethora of titles throughout his life-time by calling the same person from time to time as junior engineer, assistant engineer, deputy engineer, engineer, senior engineer, chief engineer, assistant manager, deputy manager, manager, senior manager, chief manager, assistant vice president, vice president, deputy senior vice president, senior vice president, group vice president, additional president, president, group president and what have you? Same is true with every other profession.
When the professionals will work like real professionals without the various pressures of hierarchies looming large on them, the overall effectiveness and efficiencies will definitely improve in every project.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Do We Really Elect the Right People in Democracy?
(Read the inside stories of the corporate sector in the form of short management case
studies at: or or
Money Backed Election Model is the Culprit in Corrupt Democracy
If democracy is the government of people, by people and for people, then I wonder if it is happening in any democracy any where in the world.
Elections are being fought by the political parties and its people on the basis of massive money pools created by the smart alecks- huge sums of the money largely extracted from the obscenely rich corporate bodies and such others. And obviously they throw this money at the prospective politician as their smart investments with the assurance of highest possible returns on these investments.
Then, elections are fought using such unimaginably large sums of money by the people who
can afford to do so. What happens to those other more deserving
candidates with no money of their own or with no dirty skills of squandering
the money of others? The electorate is totally deprived of these better candidates and democracy suffers hugely.
When the contesting candidates get elected by using the money provided by the corporations and other rich bodies, they work only in favor of the corporations and the rich people and totally neglect rest of the people of the country.
Therefore, remove the money from the election scenarios. The elections should be fought without money. I suggest a following model:
- Any citizen of the country should be eligible to contest democratic elections. Some minimum and maximum age and educational qualification should be imposed.
- The candidate offering himself/herself to get elected must not have any criminal record or he/she should not have any criminal proceeding going on against him/her at the time of going through the election process.
- Every candidate will have to submit a detailed bio-data with their photographs to the body that organizes and administers the entire election process.
- This body will publish the bio-data of the candidates at governmental expenditure in the media. This will account for only marginal additional expenditure on government's total election budget.
- The candidates will not canvass the way they do now by spending the enormously huge amounts of dirty money they collected in a dirty manner. Instead, specially created TV channels or even the existing TV channels will provide certain equal time slots to the candidates to make their presentations to the public. The expenditure for this will be borne by the government; after all that is the people's money now being used very decently for a very important cause. Plus the candidates' bio-data are already available with the public now.
- The voters will be able to see and study these presentations and the detailed bio-data of the candidates contesting the election and they will decide whom to vote based on their merits.
- The voters will vote on the appointed day for the candidate they chose.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Will the Future See Leaderless Societies?
(Read the inside stories of the corporate sector in the form of short management case studies at: or or To procure the printed bound book containing these sensitive stories, write to:
The "Leader" or "Leadership" Paradigm Will Become Obsolete in Future
Egypt's "leaderless" revolution has shown in clear terms that people do not need leaders for their achievements.
"The need for a leader" hoax has been drilled into the minds of people by the interested and selfish parties over the ages. As a result of this brainwash, it created a mindset of dependency of people on their so called leaders. This age old paradigm created dictators, bosses, superiors, leaders, hierarchies etc. It injected a sense of helplessness among the people and it tarnished their understanding and assessment of their own potentials.
The future will see emergence of new paradigms: the "people" paradigm in general or social life and the "professional" paradigm in the work life. All we need for maintenance and growth of societies and organizations is to accept this new concept that every human being is a "person" and a "professional". No human being is either boss or subordinate, leader or follower, dictator and oppressed, superior or subordinate, higher hierarchy or lower hierarchy, highbrow and lowbrow etc.
All are equal persons and equal professionals. And they have a right to live their lives as such.
People will live in peace with each other in their social lives and the professionals will run all those domains that need to be run effectively and efficiently so that people can live in peace.
Read our blog feature: Do This Today at
Friday, September 3, 2010
Are CEOs of Private Sector Companies as Precious as They Are Made Out to be?
(Read the inside stories of the corporate sector in the form of short management case studies at: or or To procure the printed bound book containing these sensitive stories, write to:
CEOs of Private Sector Companies Alone Don't Achieve; So There Is No Need to Pay Them Obnoxiously and Obscenely High Salaries
It is beyond comprehension why CEOs of private sector companies should draw terribly and vulgarly high salaries not only as compared to other employees of these organizations at different levels but also as compared to the very next level of executives who also take up lots of responsibilities and contribute towards the success of that organization.
Many organizations in public or government sectors and NGOs do pretty decently despite the fact that the chairmen and CEOs of public sector profit making huge conglomerates, CEOs of the states, judges, governmental bureaucrats etc get paid just about marginally more than the other senior employees or even the other employees. Then, what is so great about the CEOs of private sector organizations?
And it is not that after paying astronomically high salaries, all the CEOs run their companies effectively or ethically. Many of them still remain as corrupt and greedy as they could be despite getting large sums of legitimate money.
It is high time that the shareholders of the private sector companies should wake up and start exercising more control over the board of directors of their companies in order to regulate the emoluments of the CEO they appoint.
Read our new blog feature: Do This Today
Monday, March 29, 2010
Who Are responsible for These Deaths?
Remove the Security Cover of All the Politicians
Today 35 innocent people got killed in blasts at two Moscow metro stations.
This is not the first and the singular mishap. It looks like as if it is becoming a norm.
Who are responsible for such deaths?
The obvious answer will be: apparently those who planned and executed the blasts.
But on deeper thinking, you will come to the conclusion that the primary responsibility squarely falls on those people who hold now and held in the past, material political positions in numerous nations from time to time and who, by their dim witted thinking and actions, motivated by their greed and selfishness, created and spread disgruntlement and hurt in a large majority of human beings.
These people holding material power positions never get killed in such blasts because they are cozily protected by the machinery and the security which are heavily financed by the tax payers many of whom though fall victim to these blasts since they are not protected the same way.
Remove this cozy protection machinery and security given to these political people and then let us see how many people volunteer to become the so called leaders of the masses. Good people those who are non-corrupt and so, fearless may still opt for it.
And then the same political people will start behaving with greater responsibilities and will think, communicate, negotiate and act more prudently.The blast and killings might reduce significantly.
Originally posted at (Running Commentary on the Run)
Read the “inside” stories of the corporate world at: (Management Anecdotes)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Children Acting in Movies or Working in Reality Shows: Is That Not Child Labor?
Ban All Kinds of Child Labor
It's true that human beings are the worst irrational animals. Some things look black to human beings but some other things that are also equally black do not appear to be black to the same people. Ironically, those things are perceived as white and bright and people tend to glamorize them. And then, they cash on it.
Children working in unorganized sectors, like picking up the rags on the streets or engaged in begging etc for some business goons are pitied upon by the society and governments etc.
Children working in various kinds of offices and factories in the organized sector including the corporate sector are also pitied upon by the society and governments.
People talk a lots on these kinds of child labor and advocate to ban them. That's good. Do it.
But what about a large number of children who are engaged by the movie world and the reality shows on television and working for them? Is that not child labor? Perhaps, it is as bad as the ones cited earlier. These child engagements hammer and impact the cerebral aspects of the growing kids on the wrong side and that is highly damaging.
So ban the children acting in the movies and working for the reality shows on television or some similar engagement of children that should be termed as child labor. Ban them all. Do it now.
Read the “inside” stories of the corporate world at: (Management Anecdotes)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Are You Really Successful?
Check Out Your Score of Success After Reading This Article
Success: Wide Spectrum Paradigm
Success paradigms have a very wide spectrum. Seen as rich, turning into celebrity, becoming popular, getting known, seen as influential or recognition of your high status are pretty common success criteria for a very large number of people. In a way, this means that you tend to feel successful when other people acknowledge that you are successful. It may be out of your approval addiction. Even if you are not approval addict, you, on your own (irrespective of what others think), may also feel successful if you achieve certain degrees of any one or more of these things. However, even in here, if large majority of others think that achieving the degrees of success you have achieved in the parameters listed above are not good enough for you to be recognized as successful, your own assessment of yourself as being successful may get diminished in your own mind. Again, approval addiction, may be of lower order.
Also, if you have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) as per your assessment and others also recognize that you have achieved all of these but your own child thinks that you have neglected him/her all through his/her life and he/she hates you for that; are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) as per your and others’ assessment but you have treated your spouse in a such a derogatory manner that she/he is on the brink of asking for divorce or running away with another person; are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but when your father or mother needs you most in his/her sickness or any other trying situation and you are away on your business all the time and grossly neglect him/her; are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status), but fight tooth and nail with your brother(s) and/or sister(s) to meet some selfish ends and severe all the relationships, are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status), but you did not look after your children's education, development and growth and because of this negligence, they ended up without any decent education, grew with skewed values, got into drugs and other bad habits, have become irresponsible and undisciplined, are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status), but you wife has not grown much after her marriage with you since you have not supported her enough as a husband, are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status), but you have not acquired and assimilated the proper education to develop yourself into a cultured and refined human being and constantly brag about yourself, belittle others and are in a habit of ill-treating and insulting the people, are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status), but you have fallen into becoming a drunkard, a junkie, a womanizer, smuggler, bootlegger etc (even though the charges might not have been legally or socially acknowledged or confirmed), are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status), but you have got into habit of saving your face by impressing upon people that you are successful or better than them or many others and in the process you have to act, pretend, fake or camouflage (meaning that you are not a genuine person), are you really successful?
You have all of these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but a large section of people also throw rotten eggs or shoes at you or in extreme case, plan to kill you or even kill you because you have antagonized them harshly, unreasonably and unethically; are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but you have been corrupt and greedy and have amassed money illegitimately (though may or may not have been caught doing so by law or by people); are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but have misguided the people dependent on you, manipulated and exploited them to achieve your personal interests, took wrong decisions affecting the people (and have not been caught by law or by people), are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but you have been responsible for hurting people physically or mentally or financially because of which those people suffered grossly in their life (and you have not been caught by law or people and you still live a high brow life shamelessly), are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but your thinking, advices, decisions and actions have led to careless accidents, skirmishes, battles and wars killing civilian and military people, are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but your thinking, advices, decisions and actions have led to provide, illegally or legally, such goods and services whose production, distribution, disposal and consumption pollute the environment and adversely affect the people health wise and economically, are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but your thinking, advices, decisions and actions have led the prices of basic human requirements like essential food stuff, water, education and health care soar sky high to the extent that the citizens of the country/world cannot afford them, are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but you have, in fact, bought all of these by manipulating/lobbying unscrupulously the power, the people and the media and it has not come to you by adopting natural, ethical and legal course, are you really successful?
You have all these (rich, celebrity, popular, known, influential, status) but you are not able to look after your health due to variety of reasons though within your control and therefore, you are perennially physically, intellectually, mentally, emotionally or spiritually sick causing troubles to yourself and people around you, are you really successful?
Read the "inside" stories of the corporate sector at: (Management Anecdotes)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Doctor or Mercenary
An Appalling True Story
This true appalling incident saddened me lots. A friend of mine narrated this to me.
His father recently died from heart ailment. My friend had admitted his father to the intensive care unit of a hospital run by the most reputed heart specialist/surgeon of a big city of a big country of the earth. His father had the second heart attack and was in an extremely critical state. The heart specialist/surgeon confirmed that his father was very critical and chances of survival were less and he insisted on an immediate operation and emphasized the need to install a pace maker if he wanted his father to be alive and recover.
Accordingly, a pace maker was installed in the body. Yet, the things did not work and he died. When the dead body was being taken away from the hospital, my friend requested the attending doctor (different from the heart specialist/surgeon) to take out the pace maker from the body and hand it over to him, after all it was hardly used.
The attending doctor checked up and mentioned that there was no pace maker in the dead body. My friend was shocked; he couldn't believe. He told the attending doctor about the operation performed the day before and also told as to how the heart specialist/surgeon had emphasized on installing the pace maker. The attending doctor once again confirmed that there was no pace maker in the body.
Immediately, my friend spoke with the heart specialist/surgeon about it and the heart specialist/surgeon offered him enormous amount of money to keep his mouth shut.
Read the “inside” stories of the corporate sector at: (Management Anecdotes)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Proactive Approach to Recession
Need for Permanent Solution
Many recessionary cycles have come and gone creating social and economic havoc and they keep coming back again and again to create the insurmountable problems. Nobody seems to have found a permanent solution for this. It is high time that the people who are responsible to prevent them from the root level to recur get together and put their heads together to find permanent solutions. Is it really that difficult? The answer is plain "no". But it requires the missionary zeal to tackle this Himalayan task. There is a need to adopt a proactive approach.
It's no good then just to think and find solutions on papers but implementation and actions will only bring about the desired positive results.
Read the “inside” stories of the corporate sector at: (Management Anecdotes)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Husband-Wife Relationship: Don't Expect Your Partner to be Your Carbon Copy
Celebrate Uniqueness but Do Change for Better
It is a myth that the marital discords, at times, also occur due to the differences in the personalities, attitudes likings/disliking, habits and behaviors of husband and wife. That may be the triggers but the real root cause of the dissonance or conflicts is that one of them wants the other to change into the carbon copy of the self. This extraordinary expectation can be very heavy on the other person particularly when this demand or expectation is expressed in a forceful or condescending manner. One must understand that it is very difficult to change one’s personality, attitudes likings/disliking, habits and behaviors not only in a short period but also over long period. If the wife likes watching romantic movies or reading romantic novels and husband likes to watch action movies and action novels, it is not necessary for them to expect the other to do the same. As understanding husband and wife, they may start taking interest in each other’s likings over a period of time- that’s the best thing to happen and ideally should happen. Or it may happen that one is a very tidy person and other compromises tidiness for whatsoever reasons, one must learn to let go each other. The tidy person should compromise with other person’s untidiness and untidy person should try to become tidier gradually and also, in the process, both should help each other in making the home a tidier place. Yet, the two are unique individuals and forcing each other to become “ditto” is not the answer. The best thing will be to enjoy and celebrate the uniqueness of each other while some good changes may be taking place in both- and they must, if they love each other or want to love each other.
Read the “inside” stories of the corporate sector at: (Management Anecdotes)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Who Says Marriages Are Made in Heaven?
No, They Have to Be Worked Out on Earth
Taking marriage for granted is the sure shot way to failure of marriage- it may result in withdrawals, tenseness, irritation, bickering, sadness, unhappiness, discords, fights and may be, divorce.
Everyone gets adversely and negatively affected- husband, wife and children.
Never ever assume that since it was love at first sight or second sight or it was a well analyzed or well planned search for the life partner through a series of dating procedures or it was a perfect match making by way of arranged marriage procedure also involving parents or other well wishers and also the horoscope matching pundits, it will automatically end up in a perfect marriage. Do not think that successful marriage will automatically happen.
No, it does not happen; it has to be worked out. It requires the necessary values, knowledge (rational, emotional and spiritual), thinking patterns (paradigms) and a strong will to develop and implement the related skills and competencies and finally using those skills and competencies through out the married life. Also refer: (Life Management: Effectiveness Management: HSoftware)
Developing the marriage related skills and competencies and implementing them need to be addressed with lots of seriousness. You will have to list down what skills and competencies you should develop and implement to make your marriage a success. Get knowledge on them, acquire them, practice them and implement them. Also refer: (Competencies- Life Management) or
To help you further on how to make your marriage a real success be guided by the important tips that are given at (Counseling: Psychological) and (Parental Responsibilities)
Good luck.
Read the “inside” stories of the corporate sector at: (Management Anecdotes)